About Us
The School of Holistic Therapy was established in the year 2000. Our courses offer you the skills, experience and knowledge you need to practice as a confident, effective therapist. They also impart new ways of being, sensing and working that will inspire you to live more fully.
Unlike many schools and colleges, we create a space for students to grow and change as they learn to work on a deep level to encourage healing. We put our hearts into our courses because, as therapists ourselves, we love the work we do.
The school is affiliated to the Massage Training Institute (MTI), a national examining body and professional association specialising in holistic massage. The MTI is a member of the General Council for Massage Therapy and is active in setting accreditation standards in the UK.
"A fantastic course that has helped me learn so much about myself, as well as working closely with others with confidence."
Theresa Binnie - Company Director
The School promotes the use of holistic treatments by realising the significant link between the physical body, the emotions and the intellect. We encourage liaison with general medical practice to advance ethical complementary practice and the growth of interest among many allopathic practitioners.
We believe that counselling skills and personal development should underpin all complementary therapies. The empathic stance of a good practitioner often brings strong emotions to the surface and the use of counselling skills enables the client to work through their feelings positively and productively. This has obvious benefits for both client and practitioner. The School emphasises ethical and professional practice.